Chapter History
If you are looking for opportunities to expand your professional network, develop leadership skills, earn CPE, or just starting your accounting and finance career, then join the members of the Accounting & Financial Women's Alliance Valley of the Sun Chapter for any of our upcoming events. We are part of a national association and are here to help you connect, advance and lead your way to success!
Phoenix Chapter
Mesa East Valley Chapter
The Phoenix Chapter was formed in 1954. In October 1954 Dick Evans, IAS regional representative in Phoenix, called together 28 Phoenix women employed in accounting. He told them about ASWA and explained the workings and goals of the Society. He discussed the advantages of belonging to such an organization. His suggestions were enthusiastically received, and another meeting was set for November.
At the November meeting, three members of the Los Angeles Chapter, the chapter which agreed to sponsor our formation, were present to give first0hand suggestions on the proper steps for starting a new chapter. Pearl Isham, Hazel Brooks Scott and Mildred Swem assisted in membership qualifications and bylaws requirements. Monthly meetings were held thereafter until the word came that the chapter was instituted March 23, 1955. Billie Ruffner was the first president. The Charter Dinner was held April 23rd, and Hazel Brooks Scott, President of the Los Angeles Chapter, presented the Charter to our president. Chapter No. 43 was started with 43 members and several more waiting for national approval. By June 30 1955 Chapter 43 ended its first fiscal year with 48 members. |
As the Phoenix Chapter grew, an opportunity to expand our organization in the area lead to the launch of the Mesa East Valley Chapter. The Mesa East Valley Chapter was formed over 36 years ago and gives our members the opportunity to develop their leadership skills as we support our community and future accounting and financial professionals.
Our chapter members are accounting and financial professionals with a variety of tax, audit, industry, government and financial services experience. We have young professionals, mid-level professionals and retirees sharing their career experiences. Our chapter holds monthly meetings for networking, dinner and continuing professional education. Thank you to our past chapter presidents for their dedication to promoting our profession, leadership and vision to help our chapter develop and grow over the years! Mesa East Valley Chapter Presidents: 1986-1987 Bari Lynn (Le Baron) Simmons 1987-1988 Donna Benjamin 1988-1989 Diane Grgat Wright 1989-1990 Dorothy Ashley 1990-1991 Cindy Dunham 1991-1992 Paula Forst 1992-1993 Cindy (Carney) Hallett 1993-1994 Kim Leckey 1994-1995 Nadine Peterson 1995-1996 Michelle Goodrum 1996-1997 Carol Greene 1997-1998 Susan McFee 1998-1999 Cheryl Laurent 1999-2000 Amy Herchet 2000-2001 Jennifer Forst 2001-2002 Ruth Roman 2002-2003 Nadine Peterson 2003-2004 Carol Greene 2004-2005 Susan McFee 2005-2006 Paula Zanni 2006-2007 Joyanna Hammond 2007-2008 Janice Walrod 2008-2009 Karen Peterson 2009-2010 Laura Mangan 2010-2011 Anna Von Strassenburg 2011-2012 Sherry McGlade 2012-2013 Shelby Williams 2013-2014 Diane Hewlett 2014-2015 Stacey Craig 2015-2016 Deanna Schantel 2016-2017 Andrea Owens 2017-2018 Andrea Garcia 2018-2019 Andrea Garcia 2019-2020 Shelby Williams 2020-2021 Shelby Williams 2021-2022 Diane Hanson |